
Pranic Healing, Reiki, Sound Healing & Therapy, Biofield Tuning are not intended to replace allopathic medicine, but rather to complement it. If symptoms persist or the ailment is severe, please immediately consult a medical doctor.  Pranic Healing/ Reiki and Sound Therapy/Biofield Tuning practitioners are not medical doctors, but medical doctors can be Pranic Healers/ Reiki and Sound Practitioners.  Reiki/Pranic/Sound/Biofield Tuning Practitioners do not make any diagnosis or guarantee any outcomes, do not prescribe any medications and/or medical treatments nor interfere with prescribed medications and/or medical treatments. Pranic Healing/ Reiki and Sound/Biofield Tuning Therapy/Healing treatments are not licensed by any state. They are complementary to any state licensed healing practices or services. 


On the terms "Grandmaster” and "Master":
"Grandmaster" and "Master" are popularly accepted terms in traditional Oriental culture and are used in many practices or systems that have their origin in the East (e.g., yoga, martial arts etc.) to designate one who has achieved an exceptionally high level of training and development. These are secular titles, and their use carries no connotation - religious, political, or otherwise - outside the context of PRANIC HEALING® and Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui's teachings.

MASTER CHOA KOK SUI (MCKS) PRANIC HEALING® and related workshops contain copyrighted works material registered with and protected by the United States Trademark and Copyright Laws. 

ATMA BUTI ® Sound and Healing Therapy is registered with and protected by the United States Trademark and Copyright Laws.

BIOFIELD TUNING ® is registered with and protected by the United States Trademark and Copyright Laws.